141: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna with William Roche

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2p5C6ID8D5wl4APZhSul0b?si=6f9f7b8cbd174346 Join me for the conversation with Dr William Roche, a senior research officer at Inland Fisheries Ireland, about angler-driven fish tagging programmes. We put a particular focus on the Tuna CHART programme but we also talk about the Marine Sportfish Tagging Programme which is aimed at elasmobranch species of fish like sharks, skates and … Continue reading 141: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna with William Roche

The Demise and Recovery of The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna is one of the iconic species of big game fish. It is a large-bodied fast swimming fish that feeds on small fish and invertebrates. It can grow up to 1500lb (800kg) although some official bodies like the Smithsonian or the U. S. National Marine Fisheries Service estimate that the fish can reach a … Continue reading The Demise and Recovery of The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna