169: Species Reintroductions

https://open.spotify.com/episode/64pJp4xAbRfKSyrKYbkp2s Species reintroductions, often in the context of rewilding, is a topic that we frequently discuss on this podcast. It is also fiercely debated on social media. I have been asked more than once about my views and opinions on this topic. Do I support species reintroductions? Well, it depends. In this episode, I’m going … Continue reading 169: Species Reintroductions

Episode 115: Coexisting with Large Carnivores with John Linnell

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ZDufR9wqjnTW4lxZgCNIk?si=7065e1e340414628 Large terrestrial carnivores, like wolves, bears and lynx, are the poster children for conservation and rewilding efforts. Also, they are usually right in the epicentre of the human-wildlife conflict which always sparks emotions. That makes it easy to use them to politicize conservation. https://youtu.be/uZkolVlvu0k In many previous podcasts, our discussions about rewilding inevitably led … Continue reading Episode 115: Coexisting with Large Carnivores with John Linnell

Episode 92: Upland Ecology with Cathy Mayne

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6KCZ7BclxG4NjcXbw9J5id?si=EcD570X0Q860K2w36B5aeg&dl_branch=1 In recent episodes, I have presented a whole host of views and opinions regarding rewilding, land management, and the need to change the way we coexist with nature. In this episode, we continue on that path, but with a guest, Dr Cathy Mayne, who has a particularly interesting perspective. That perspective might not be … Continue reading Episode 92: Upland Ecology with Cathy Mayne

Episode 68: Rewilding, Wolves and Biodiversity with Pádraic Fogarty

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1UVSyEdYMpO5oPtBQ0Cb1f?si=j-Wgn-BETLSoeq7T8ClhYA&dl_branch=1 Pádraic is well known to my podcast listeners. He was our guest in episodes 20 and 35. And in episode 62 I talked with Patrick Cross about his work inspired by Pádraic’s book. There have been many things I have wanted to talk to Pádraic about since our last podcast, which was a year … Continue reading Episode 68: Rewilding, Wolves and Biodiversity with Pádraic Fogarty