179: Sika Deer: Pest or Precious?

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Sika (cervus nippon) is a mid-sized deer that was introduced to Ireland in the 1860s to the Powerscourt Estate. Soon after that, it started spreading across Ireland. Today, the main concentrations of sika are in Kerry, Wicklow, Tyrone and Fermanagh. More recently, it has also been found in Waterford, Galway, Limerick, and Wexford. The National Biodiversity Data Centre in Ireland lists sika as an invasive species. Despite that, it’s afforded protection under the Wildlife Act. It is prized by hunters as a game species and a source of excellent quality venison on the one hand, and hated by foresters and environmentalists for the damage to forestry and biodiversity on the other.

Sika is present on the entire European continent and, although not as widespread as in Ireland, it is also causing similar problems. This is reflected in the recent move by the European Commission to launch consultations to put sika on the Invasive Alien Species (IAS) list across the Union. This poses the obvious question: what does it mean for the Irish population of sika if the EC makes such a decision? Will or should it be allowed continuous protection with open and closed hunting seasons? Or should it be reduced to the status of vermin and be eradicated across the country?

To discuss the potential future of sika deer in Ireland and present a whole spectrum of views about this species, and invasive species more generally, I spoke with four expert guests presenting different views on the subject. By listening to this episode you will hear from Professor Jaimie T.A. Dick who specialises in Invasion Ecology, Eoghan Daltun an award-winning author who has spent last 15 years regenerating an Irish Atlantic rainforest, Damien Hannigan a Government Appointee to the Irish Deer Management Forum and Public Relations Officer at the Irish Deer Commission, and Professor of Wildlife Restoration Ecology, Adam T. Ford.

Dive Deeper Into the Topics of Sika Deer Impacts and Invasion Ecology

Get access to full interviews from the podcast episode. Hear from Professor Jaimie T.A. Dick, Invasion Ecology specialist, Eoghan Daltun, award-winning author who has spent the last 15 years regenerating an Irish Atlantic rainforest, and Damien Hannigan a Government Appointee to the Irish Deer Management Forum and Public Relations Officer at the Irish Deer Commission.

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