130: The CANN Project with Abby McSherry

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3orRNj3VJ6tCU84pmCwe5t?si=02b20ff09cde4180 It is my pleasure to present another series of podcasts discussing yet another cross-border environmental project. In this series, we’re going to talk with scientists and leaders from the CANN project. CANN stands for Collaborative Action for the Natura Network. It is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme and managed by the … Continue reading 130: The CANN Project with Abby McSherry

127: Seabird Monitoring and Tracking with Katherine Booth Jones, Daniel Johnston, Jacob Davies and Kendrew Colhoun

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2lWDSUDRH8wVJOGJLEH5vU?si=BtnNhDuHTQ6Jn3FrPgV0nQ&utm_source=copy-link This is the second episode dedicated to the Seabird Monitoring work package at the MarPAMM Interreg project. It also concludes a six-part series in which we delved into the project’s work packages. Our guests are Katherine Booth Jones, Daniel Johnston, Jacob Davies and Kendrew Colhoun who you might remember from episode 125. https://youtu.be/0dEpkuCuEx0 Continuing … Continue reading 127: Seabird Monitoring and Tracking with Katherine Booth Jones, Daniel Johnston, Jacob Davies and Kendrew Colhoun

125: Seabird Survey with Stu Bearhop and Kendrew Colhoun

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1IwAZR7STyvs1YOV4o9Q9k?si=RF3ogEdaQhWB4PRFZqn2wg This is the first of two episodes dedicated to the Seabird Monitoring work package at the MarPAMM Interreg project. Today we talk about seabird surveys on remote Scottish locations. Our guests are Stuart Bearhop, Professor of Animal Ecology at the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology & Conservation and Dr Kendrew Colhoun who is … Continue reading 125: Seabird Survey with Stu Bearhop and Kendrew Colhoun

Episode 123: MPA Management Plans with Amie Williams, David Stevenson and PJ Maguire

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IXBYEWBF5V3sVjvhSE2LR?si=d8941ac625ae447f A Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation is one of the most potent tools for protecting a wide range of marine habitats. A layman interested in marine conservation might think that an MPA would be completely excluded from any activities, either commercial or recreational. The reality is much more complex and, depending on what any … Continue reading Episode 123: MPA Management Plans with Amie Williams, David Stevenson and PJ Maguire

Episode 120: Seabed Habitat Mapping with Alex Callaway, Chris McGonigle, Andy Wheeler and Ger Summers

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5vA5Mtc0xkT8lQY40mRCeq?si=mtK0a591R6aH11YHtHIXJw Once again I have the pleasure to host scientists from the MarPAMM project. This time we discuss the Seabed Habitat Mapping and Modelling work package. Our guests are Dr Alex Callaway from the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (who was our guest on episode 104), Dr Chris McGonigle from the School of Geography and Environmental … Continue reading Episode 120: Seabed Habitat Mapping with Alex Callaway, Chris McGonigle, Andy Wheeler and Ger Summers

Episode 115: Coexisting with Large Carnivores with John Linnell

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ZDufR9wqjnTW4lxZgCNIk?si=7065e1e340414628 Large terrestrial carnivores, like wolves, bears and lynx, are the poster children for conservation and rewilding efforts. Also, they are usually right in the epicentre of the human-wildlife conflict which always sparks emotions. That makes it easy to use them to politicize conservation. https://youtu.be/uZkolVlvu0k In many previous podcasts, our discussions about rewilding inevitably led … Continue reading Episode 115: Coexisting with Large Carnivores with John Linnell

Episode 113: Coastal Processes with Melanie ​​Biausque and Edoardo Grottoli

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5AsJV4IEuGwk8peKb5WDPe?si=fb75701895ea44ad If you are a sea angler or just like to walk your dog on the beach, you might have noticed how the coastline changes from year to year. Some of us who have frequented the same spots for years might even have noticed changes that have occurred over a greater time span. Sometimes up … Continue reading Episode 113: Coastal Processes with Melanie ​​Biausque and Edoardo Grottoli

Episode 108: Communicating about Nature with Lucy McRobert

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5IbEmLSzUsUXkpGI4TZcWz?si=bd83bb5facf64543 Communication is by far the most important, yet most difficult, factor in any undertaking. Whether managing a business project with many stakeholders or leading a team to accomplish a goal, excellent communication is the key to success. It is no different in the world of conservation and nature-related endeavours. Anyone who has tried to … Continue reading Episode 108: Communicating about Nature with Lucy McRobert

Episode 106: Irish Cave Bones with Ruth Carden

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5xrX8415NkeXqAIEIrRYnq?si=oZrYrdI3QQ6IJb7XIWjKIQ&dl_branch=1 Regular listeners have already heard that this episode was coming. And we’ve been planning it for a long time. Conflicting schedules, travel plans and life, in general, were always getting in the way. But boy, was it worth waiting for!  https://youtu.be/ahwgb2-aEYU And so, we sat down for a chat with Dr Ruth Carden, a … Continue reading Episode 106: Irish Cave Bones with Ruth Carden

Episode 104: Project MarPAMM with Naomi Wilson, Anuschka Miller and Alex Callaway

https://open.spotify.com/episode/27mvQDhubFAyekIPimTY7Q?si=0YOSz-ndQjmN1ZGi9a80FQ&dl_branch=1 Conservation of the marine environment is prominently featured in many episodes of my podcast. Regular listeners have heard on many occasions the opinion that marine protected areas, or MPAs for short, is where it’s at. But as always in these cases, if you start digging and asking questions everything is more difficult than it … Continue reading Episode 104: Project MarPAMM with Naomi Wilson, Anuschka Miller and Alex Callaway