176: Invasive Ants Impact Lion Predation on Zebras, with Adam T. Ford

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3mbU23q3H125O4N6d8i51b?si=308ecea0530f4d16 If you are a regular listener to the podcast or you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I read a fair number of scientific papers on subjects of conservation and ecology. Some of them are related to topics I’m investigating for the podcast and some others are just interesting for me. … Continue reading 176: Invasive Ants Impact Lion Predation on Zebras, with Adam T. Ford

159: Polar Bears in a Warming World with Andrew Derocher

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3rOZNGaXFN6UUkz4sdrvby?si=5fxRZMCzSZCr7Lrn9BJOmQ Last week I published a blog post where I set out to answer the question of whether polar bears are facing impending extinction due to climate change or are they, in fact, doing better than ever. Around the time when I was investigating this question, I got in touch with Professor Andrew Derocher from … Continue reading 159: Polar Bears in a Warming World with Andrew Derocher

144: How to Cut All Chemical Nitrogen on a Farm with James Foley

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2KEERp5msXQsmC8fLqACK0?si=67224b4eeec6436e I always enjoy speaking with farmers, whether on my podcast or when I’m out in the fields hunting and fishing. Therefore, I welcomed an opportunity to not only talk with James Foley, a dairy farmer from Co. Waterford, but to visit him and spend the day on his farm. Yes, that means it’s one … Continue reading 144: How to Cut All Chemical Nitrogen on a Farm with James Foley

Episode 108: Communicating about Nature with Lucy McRobert

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5IbEmLSzUsUXkpGI4TZcWz?si=bd83bb5facf64543 Communication is by far the most important, yet most difficult, factor in any undertaking. Whether managing a business project with many stakeholders or leading a team to accomplish a goal, excellent communication is the key to success. It is no different in the world of conservation and nature-related endeavours. Anyone who has tried to … Continue reading Episode 108: Communicating about Nature with Lucy McRobert

Episode 93: The Amazon Rainforest with Alex Lees

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6rQoWCmHVKRwtpUPTsDta4?si=tnAGnLK5RPCu6Eb2C3rtsA&dl_branch=1 The Amazon rainforest is the largest and most biodiverse tropical rainforest in the world. It represents over half of the remaining rainforests. It is home to countless species of insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Not to mention the fish. Unfortunately, as we all can read and hear in the news, it is subject … Continue reading Episode 93: The Amazon Rainforest with Alex Lees

Episode 66: African Wildlife Conservation with Adam Hart

https://open.spotify.com/episode/49dL6VfpP9Ias3HAPTxhz4?si=cBsvituHTRaZ7iZkbY3Cjg&dl_branch=1 The issue of African wildlife conservation is very complex and difficult. There are many factors that have to be considered, some of them are literally a matter of life and death. All that immersed in a highly emotional atmosphere. This subject is infinitely interesting to me. So, today I am delighted to bring you … Continue reading Episode 66: African Wildlife Conservation with Adam Hart

Episode 54: The National Biodiversity Data Centre with Dave Wall

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5yzsS0JnemO50WaNeIXCES?si=Ynh3IH-KTCWV2DVTgmDjZg&dl_branch=1 Many of us outdoors people like to keep records of the animal and fish species we have encountered, caught or seen during our time in the outdoors. To keep those records we use spreadsheets, databases, dedicated apps and, perhaps, a pen and paper if you’re a little old-timey chap. As it turns out, there … Continue reading Episode 54: The National Biodiversity Data Centre with Dave Wall